
Look at our aloneness
We know that in all Creation
Only the human family
Has strayed from the Oneness of the Sacred Way.
We know that we are the ones who must come together
To walk in the Sacred Way once more.
Creator Father, Sacred One,
Teach us love, pride, honour and respect,
That we may heal the Earth and each other.
Chi Megweetch

  • – Chief Doreen Davis, Shabot Lake Band
At Mississippi Mills All My Relations, we provide educational events, information about what other groups in the area are doing, acquire books and materials that people can borrow from our library and maintain a list of worthwhile on line resources. Our primary focus is the traditional territory of the Algonquins, the Ottawa river watershed and the particular history of the Lanark/Ottawa area. However, the history of this area cannot be understood except in the context of the history of Canada beginning particularly with the Royal Proclamation of 1763 which stated that no land could be granted to settlers without a prior agreement between First Nations and the Crown, a proclamation then ratified at the Treaty of Niagara in 1764.The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre can provide insight into the story of the Algonquins in the history our land  –in particular the interesting articles by Kim Hanewhich and Jim Morrison.

Mississippi Mills All My Relations recognize that we are on unceded Algonquin territory and that we all must work together in respectful, just relationship with one another and with our mother earth and all her inhabitants.