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Sep 15, 2019

Mississippi Mills All My Relations invites you to join us for an outdoor ecumenical family service at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 70 Clyde Street, Almonte, Ontario to mark National Indigenous Peoples Day on Sunday, June 23rd at 3 PM. Algonquin Elder Larry McDermott will speak about Indigenous Spirituality and lead the ceremonial activities. Raven Bright Moon will offer Algonquin drumming and songs. We are going to create a simple music group as part of the celebration. If you would like to sing or play an instrument as part of this please let Sue Evans know by emailing her at evanssue@rogers.com. We anticipate just one music practice.
Afterwards, there will be a brief social time with strawberries, bannock and strawberry water. Contributions of ‘finger foods’ are most welcome. There will be an opportunity for individuals to donate towards the cost of this event.
Note: We will move indoors if it rains.


Sep 15, 2019